NEWS: Stan Wall book cover revealed

Iconic St Helens kit-man Stan Wall will release his autobiography next month, ghostwriter Andrew Quirke has revealed.
Wall, 79, will be at the book’s launch at Langtree Park next month. Quirke said: “Stan’s got a great story to tell.
“He was a miner and also part of a mine rescue team that was the first down the pit if there was an explosion or accident, a top referee in the 80s, assistant coach at Leigh and St Helens and then kit-man for St Helens, England and Great Britain.
“The book’s got a bigger cast than The Lord of the Rings. I think I’ve spoken to almost everybody in rugby league, and they’ve all had a tale to tell on Stan.”
Quirke added: “Stan’s nearly 80 and still does two days a week with St Helens, helping out on the captain’s run and then again on match day. I envy his memory and his energy – he’s in the best shape possible.”
Stan Wall will be available to sign copies of his autobiography, Stan the Man: The Life Story of Stan Wall, at 1.30pm, April 12 2014, at Langtree Park.