Steve Prescott completes challenge


Yesterday Steve Prescott completed his extreme nine day challenge, to ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats and climb the highest peaks in Wales, England and Scotland.

Steve described finishing the Engage Mutual End-to-End Extreme, what has been his toughest challenge ever as ‘absolutely fantastic’ and paid tribute to those who completed the challenge alongside him:

“There has been a great team ethic where we all helped each other, stuck together and laughed our way through it.  It has been a great group to cycle with over these nine days and everybody played a part in getting me over the line.”

Steve was in ‘absolute agony’ from his knees and achilles on Saturday (day 8) as the team faced into Ben Nevis.  But with encouragement and support he somehow kept going.  Having completed the ascent and descent in less than 6 hours, they then tackled the eighty miles to their stop off point for the day.

Sunshine heralded the start of the final day (day 9).  It was 113 miles to the finish at John O’Groats but with the ice treatment and anti inflammatories of the evening before taking effect, Steve found this his best cycling day.

“Half way through I had a bit of a bad spell when I was finding it tough but we refuelled I got myself together and carried on, he said.  “Big Jon Neil was great today, I managed to hide behind him most of the way, out of the way of the wind! It was probably my best day cycling wise, I was up near the front and felt pretty good – so much better than yesterday. “

“It was a fantastic feeling crossing the line at John O’Groats – we all felt amazing. The whole team have been absolutely fantastic, we all got on brilliantly.

“It has been the hardest event I have ever done. It’s tested me mentally and it has been extremely emotional. I was worried about getting through it but huge credit to every single person for their support.

“Tonight we’re all pretty tired but celebrating with a few beers. It has been an unforgettable nine days.”

You can donate to Steve’s page at