Salford Red Devils provide fresh update on stadium plight with short-term tenancy agreement on the cards

Ben Olawumi
Salford Stadium Alamy

The Salford Stadium - Alamy

Salford Red Devils say they are in the process of obtaining a short-term extension to their tenancy agreement for the Salford Stadium while a longer-term deal as a more permanent fix is being worked out.

The Red Devils have played their home games at the Salford Stadium since 2012, moving there from The Willows, which had been their home for 110 years.

As detailed in an initial statement at the start of November, due to issues surrounding their tenancy agreement, the future of the club altogether is under very serious threat.

Their home is jointly-owned by Salford City Council and ‘Peel‘, a land and property firm. It is the latter who aren’t playing ball in allowing the tenancy agreement to be extended, with the council currently in the process of trying to acquire a majority share to ease the process.

The council’s Mayor – Paul Dennett – has publicly thrown his support behind the cause, expressing a desire to see the Red Devils remain in their home along with a promise to do all he can to aid their drive to survive.

Salford Red Devils provide fresh update on stadium plight

We haven’t been shy of statements in relation to the ongoing plight over the last few weeks, and as December began yesterday, the Red Devils issued another.

The latest update – in a nutshell – provided a re-assurance that the work is going on behind the scenes to sort out the mess that is the tenancy agreement, with there now a short-term plan as well as a long-term one.

In full, the statement – published on Salford’s website – read: “The Club would like to provide an update in relation to developments to the situation with the Salford Stadium.

“There remains confidence from the necessary parties that an agreement on the stadium could be reached in the first quarter of 2024.

“Discussions remain ongoing surrounding a short-term agreement between the Club and Salford City Council in the mean time which we expect to have further clarity come the end of this month.

“We’ll continue to provide updates on the full picture when appropriate to ensure supporters remain aware of the current state of play alongside the timelines that we are aware of.

“We’d also like to note our thanks to those who have showed their unwavering support of late.”

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