Keith Senior autobiography set for release in 2011

News reaches Rugby League Books that former Great Britain centre Keith Senior is writing an autobiography due for publication in September 2011.
Published by Great Northern Books, The Bald Truth certainly won’t be short of material.
After 15 years at the top of professional rugby league, Leeds legend Senior has a wealth of experience to draw upon.
He was part of John Kear’s Sheffield Eagles team that produced the Challenge Cup’s biggest upset when they beat Wigan in the 1998 Wembley final.
With Leeds, Senior has won the Super League Grand Final in 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
He was a victim of a kiss-and-tell sting during the 2008 Rugby League World Cup, has been known to sell to memorabilia on Ebay and has even lightened up the odd match with a quick flurry of his fists.
Great Northern Books reckon The Bald Truth will also touch on Senior’s life away from rugby league:
“There’s more to Senior’s life story than his achievements and controversies on the field. The Bald Truth is also an account of how he went from council estate to country estate. Brought up in humble circumstances in Huddersfield, he now lives in a country house in West Yorkshire, along with partner Victoria and a menagerie of animals – including one of the world’s oldest rottweiler dogs!”
Here’s Sky’s tribute to Keith Senior:
You can order Keith Senior’s book ‘The Bald Truth’ by clicking here.