Super League players to hold meeting with RFL in crucial week for law changes support

Aaron Bower

Senior players from all Super League clubs – including those who have been most vocal online – will meet the Rugby Football League this Wednesday for talks following a controversial start to the season.

The RFL’s new framework surrounding head contact has seen a number of notable incidents emerge, most recently – and significantly – the decision to send Nu Brown off during Hull FC’s defeat to Warrington Wolves on Friday night. The RFL have, however, already admitted there was a ‘lack of clarity’ in the framework for that incident and have amended it to ensure future incidents of that nature would not result in red cards.

But in an attempt to understand growing player discontent surrounding on-field decisions concerning head contact, a group of leading players throughout the competition have set up a meeting that will also be attended by senior RFL official Robert Hicks.

Earlier in the day, the RFL will meet with Super League coaches to both listen to their concerns but also to try and further explain the framework regarding head contact and player welfare, following a raft of changes which were approved over the off-season.

RELATED: Three Super League players suspended including Leeds Rhinos duo as decision made on Nu Brown red card

The meeting has been largely driven by Salford fullback Ryan Brierley. The Scotland international made an impassioned plea online last week to try and assemble the competition’s 12 captains for crisis talks, and Brierley has received significant support from high-profile players at a number of clubs.

There is also a possibility the Rugby League Players Association could be invited onto the call too – with the existing players union keen to work with players and strengthen relationships amidst talk of a new union being formed by the players. Strike action has also been mooted – but there are a number of stages the players would need to go through in order to formally announce their intention to refuse to work.

READ NEXT: RFL to amend head contact framework after admitting ‘lack of clarity’ following Nu Brown red card