RFL in no rush to confirm Ottawa situation

The situation regarding Ottawa entering League 1 won’t be clarified until at least the end of August, according to RFL interim chairman Simon Johnson.
Love Rugby League understands that Ottawa have been unable to meet deadlines imposed on them by the RFL to enter the competition in 2020, and will understand defer entry to join alongside New York in 2021.
Johnson was asked about the issue following the RFL’s AGM in Doncaster on Wednesday.
He said: “I don’t think we’re ready to confirm where we are quite yet.
“Talks are well advanced with Ottawa. We’ve got a board meeting towards the end of August where it’s on the agenda again, so I would expect if there is an announcement to come, it’ll come after that.”
Earlier this year, Canadian Eric Perez was given permission to relocate Hemel Stags to Ottawa and they were given the green light to enter next season’s competition, subject to conditions.
He says that no decision has yet been made and that a contractual issue has presented any further announcement from them.
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