Reader’s Letter: Sam Tomkins is not so hot


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In the Daily Mail, Saturday edition, there is a column in the Sports section “whats hot, and what’s not”.

Under “not” is the story that Sam Tomkins will return to Wigan, having had no effect on the NRL.

I’ve considered this for a few days now.

It’s sheer spite. The Daily Mail don’t report on our sport unless they see an opportunity to report negatively.

I’d like to know why a British newspaper can criticise a British sportsman who has the talent to attract attention from an NRL club. 


Any other sport, be it athletics, showjumping or rugby union would be reported in glowing terms. After all, we should all support that British participant. So why does this patriotism not apply to Rugby League? Why does the journalist think it fit to criticise such a great achievement in a sporting life? 

Name supplied.